Mike (Kermit) Croghan

Software Developer and Poet in Herndon, Virginia

Read my book

You can buy my poetry chapbook, Body and Soul, via the green button above! Or, try my teensy snack-sized chapbook, Meander!


➻ a geek (poetry, code, comics, tabletop)

➻ a nontheistic naturalistic mystic / Buddhist (secular, Drikung Kagyu) / Jesus-follower (emergence, Episcopalian, Quaker)

➻ a nonbinary mostly cisgender queer dude-adjacent human (they/he)


Neutral Good / Enneagram 9w1 / eNFp

➻ a Social Justice Bard


➻ read my poetry blog, free / sour / fruit

➻ trade delicious words with the Northern Virginia Poetry Group

➻ meet some good queer humans in the Center Bi+ Community

➻ listen for signs of the Spirit with Listening Hearts Ministries

➻ practice discipleship with the Church of the Holy Comforter

➻ begin to change your mind at secularbuddhism.com

  • Work
    • Capital One
  • Education
    • Rochester Institute of Technology