Mike (Kermit) Croghan
Software Developer and Poet in Herndon, Virginia
You can buy my poetry chapbook, Body and Soul, via the green button above! Or, try my teensy snack-sized chapbook, Meander!
➻ a geek (poetry, code, comics, tabletop)
➻ a nontheistic naturalistic mystic / Buddhist (secular, Drikung Kagyu) / Jesus-follower (emergence, Episcopalian, Quaker)
➻ a nonbinary mostly cisgender queer dude-adjacent human (they/he)
➻ bipolar
➻ Neutral Good / Enneagram 9w1 / eNFp
➻ read my poetry blog, free / sour / fruit
➻ trade delicious words with the Northern Virginia Poetry Group
➻ meet some good queer humans in the Center Bi+ Community
➻ listen for signs of the Spirit with Listening Hearts Ministries
➻ practice discipleship with the Church of the Holy Comforter
➻ begin to change your mind at secularbuddhism.com